
9/3 Homework Essay about me~~

Ayano Watanabe                                                                                        
Ms . Perez
12A2  LA
3 September  2013

                                                    About Me
   My name is Ayano Watanabe. I am Japanese. I was born in Tokyo, Japan. I was not talked since I truned in 3 years old! This is my third time in ICA, but actually this is my 4 years to live Taiwan. and also this year is my first time to I don’t have home in Taipei! Thats quite sad for me…I am crazy flexible person….. I don’t know why, but it happen since I was baby. before I came to Taiwan, I learnd baton twirling for 6 years. Still I love play that, when I have free time. I love learn new languages so I try to learn new language from someone but still think about it. I think Italian is good. But I also intrested in Russian. But I have to find who can speak Italian or Russian! I love listen music!!!!! My one of hobbie is go to the youtube and play billboard and find new good songs!(This week not really have good one….) After I graduate ICA, I going back to Japan and go to university. I desire to choose liberal arts, which is used to speak English. And I going to find what I want to do in my future. 


My Last Summer School at ICA 2013

My name is Ayano. I will be senior this year, so this summer school is my last summer school in my hight school life. I was so existing about join summer school. Why I join ICA summer school because I have to study but not only that, I want to spend time with my fiends also!
After I was alive in ICA, I changed close to uniform and I took a test. I was so surprised about we got new senior students! I want to talk to them, but I was too nervous to talk to them, so I could not talk to them.  But I felt okay about that because I have friend in junior. Her name is Erica. I was talk to Erica during free time. After took test I went to my room and my roommate is new senior girl! I try to talk to her. Her name is Penny. She live in Taichung  And also my bath mates are new senior students. Their names are Andrea and Vivian. We are be friends quickly. I was so happy about I can make new friends in my school.  We hang out every weekend together. I think my summer school will be exiting....
After, two weeks my parents called me. I was told I met new fiends and I spend good time with them, we went Taipei Zoo....etc But, my mother actually wants to ask about study, and she told me lots of things. I felt so down and I felt heavily presser for her.  I do not talk to her any more. But she keep taking..... I told her about I study SAT and TOEFL, but she prefer I going to do more. I was exhausting. and I said "Why you try to understand your children!!". And I hang the phone. After I hang the phone, I felt repented, but I ignore her massage and phone call also.
Next day, Erica saw my face is upset, so she asked me "What happen to you?" and I said "I was something argued with my mom.....omg what should I do....". I was looked up Erica.  and after study hall,  all of my friends give me some advises to me.  I was so happy about that because they thinking about me and care about me. I said "Thank you so much I love you guys~~~~~!!!!" "That's okay! we are friends!!!!" they said to me. It was so happy moment for me.
After day, I try to call my mom about I work hard and let her understand about me more. I was too nervous, like even I could not breath.... I pick up the phone, and put down over again and again...... Penny said "Let's do it!!! it's okay!!! Don't be worry about!" "Yes! If you can not tell, just talk is okay!" Vivian said to me. "B... But!" Suddenly, Andrea push the call button!!!!!
I hope she won't pick up the phone.....but " Hello?". She did.   My head became blank..... I can not think about anything. " Go! Go!" Erica whisperer to me. "Ah...This is Ayano" I just said it. "Oh....Ayano what's wrong? I thought you are still mad at me". She said it.  "I.... I want to talk about me..... I always try my best. I know you are not live ICA, so you can not understand how I work hard..... I want to you will understand me more." I felt so much presser because I knew she will mad at me again and she will given more presser to me. But, " I already understand you. I am so sorry about that day. I just love you so much and you are only my child. So I given you much presser to you. I'm so sorry. " She said it.  I was so surprised about it ""No! no I am sorry about too. I was said to you too much." I said it "Let's clear the air...." my mother said it. "Yes, yes. Thank you Love you"  "yeah me too. I waiting for you end of the summer school bye". And she cut the phone. I said to friends about that. "Really!? great!!! " Thank you so much!!!!! I love you guys!!!!!" I said and I hug them!
After that, I enjoy two weeks summer school. It was so fun and exited moment. And also I was study hard. I was thinking about if I won't try to talk to my mother, I was still upset and My last summer school is not good moment. But I try to fix problems. I can did it. I felt if people try to fix problem and try it they can solve it!!! Summer School 2013 is most fun summer school ever!!! I love it!


My Last Summer School at ICA 2013(outline)

1 Title:
2 Main Character: Ayano
3 Other Characters Erica, Penny, Vivian, and Andrea (Ayano's friends), My Parents, and other people...
4 Conflict:  Ayano is study hard but her Parents more push her. and she feel down.
5 setting: ICA summer school
6 Rising Action: Events 1: spend time her friends. she feel really happy
                      Event 2: Her Parents push her more and feel down
                     Event 3: She was sad and she worry about her future, and friends help her.
7 Climax: She try to tell her parents about how she effort about her study
8 Resolution : Her parents understand her. and she can play with her friends!


Summer! Hot! a haunted house!

summer is coming!!!

everyday super hot!!!!

so, I hope you guys will be cooler

I going to tell you are famous a hunted house in Japan!

it called "戦慄迷宮"  

You have to walk this house around 900m. 
it could used to a hour. 
This is in the Fuji-Q Highland, which is an amusement park  in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Japan.

This house main story is about hospital.

doctor try to make human, who is can  walk by themselves but he or she not alive anymore.
and he try to experiments, used to all of the patients. 
he gave them a lot of medicine, and effect, he kill all of the patients and also nurses.
and that doctor closed hospital.......

this is the story of the hunted house.

this house was recorded by Guinness World Records

I going to show you a video, which is what looks like....
but it Japaneses, so just feel scare!!!! I hope you like it!!!!

Please start 2:41

Thank You!!!
I hope you can feel little cooler 


My last week~~

I went to Taipei Zoo last weekend!

But there was superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Hot!!!!!!

unbelievable!!!!!! = =

there had Black Bears but they are sleeping....
there had small birds but they are sleeping....
there had monkeys but they are sleeping....

i think because of that day was hotter then other day.....
 But still fun!!!! I like there! If I have chance, I want to go there again~~~

also I was watched movie, what is Monster's university!!!!

kids Mike is so cute!!!!! I want to watch it again~~~

it was really fun and touched my heart <3

But I am not going to say what story is it~~

so If U want to know Let's go watch movie it!!!!

and bring me too lol

How to overcome the our change??

How to people can overcome the change?
All of people have some problems. I am one of them too. Most people don't know how to solve it. Today I want to tell you how to overcome it. There have three steps. Keep up, take some advice, and think other way.

First step is keep up. Why people can't overcome their problems because they give up quickly. It won't help them. Don't think about oh I can't do it, that is hard for me blah blah blah.....
Most problem can solve. Just take easy. The important step is people have to know what it is. What type of problems, have to use critical thinking or not..... In china has one famous sentence " If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." It's come from book, it calls "the art of war." So important step is you have to know your problems.  And also never give up. People, who can't overcome problems, easy to give up and just move on quick. At least, you have to try again 4 or 5 times.
And also image about future, which is after overcome problems. It could be keep up people's feel better and think they can do it.

Second step is take some advice.
We know overcome some hard problems  it is not easy and also we don't know how to solve it or how to solve it. So ask somebody, who is known that problems very well. For example, if people can't solve question about some math problems, ask math teacher! They are professional about math so of course they teach you how to solve it or given some key. Other way is used own experience. Look back own notes, or think about what did u do when u get hard question.  Those are really helpful.

Last step is think other way.
Why people can't solve it because of people only try to solve it used one way to view or focus about it. Think about different way. And also think about what u can do it for that. Like think u can solve passable or not. If u can do it just little that's okay. Because it is still overcome. Chang some steps for that problems. Don't think hold things. It just makes you confuse and makes you feel down.
And also this is last idea(don't used it a lot)
If really you have no idea. Try many times but you can't solve it. Give up. Sometime give up and move on is important things. People have fit or unfit each problems. For example, a man have to overcome about chocolate cake, but he has chocolate allergy. It is not easy to solve it. So he move on to try to eat cheese cake. He might be eat it.
So think about problem is fit for u or not.

I just tell about how to overcome problems.
Those steps are just one of advice.
So up to u for used those steps or not. But just remember it if u got some charge and have to solve it.

My summer plans

After finish summer school

 I will stay my friends house because of my fright ticket time lol

And I will go back to Japan. 

And I will prepare for my TOEFL test.

 But I don't want study all day 

so I will hang out with my friends in Japan.

 And I would go to Tokyo Disney Land again!!!!( if my mom say okay.... I hope she say yes.)

Because some of friends, who is Taiwan's friends visit Japan!!

I was existing about it so I want to Gide for them!

And also I want to hang out with my Japanese friends to shopping, KTV, and long long girls talk lol

I have lots of plans!!!! I hope I can do it all of it lol


My new friends in ICA :)

Today I going to talk about my new friend!

she is from Taiwan,Taichung, so actually she lives near ICA! that's cool~~~

she wants improve her English so she join the ICA summer school!

she is quit girl but she is really cute <3

her most exciting moment is doing something with her friends~

her hobbies are dancing and sing a song! I want to hear her nice voice some day<3 <3

If she does not have food she could not alive! haha actually me too lol

If she get a door, which is it can go anywhere. she will go travel other countries!

she loves beach more then mountain because she dose not like move a lot.

If she got lots money, 20%, she going to use for shopping, 10% donate for kids, and 70% save it

How nice she is!!! ><

If Earth will gone tomorrow, she going to do some special things with her friends!!!!

 she is so cute and nice!!!! I hope  I will know her more :))


The best moment of my life!

I have a lot of good memories in my life!

so I could not choose one....

so, I going to write some of best moments in my life!

                                                     this moment is in ICA
                                               in ICA has valentines Dance day
                                                 and it was soooo fun!

that picture is in Japan last summer.
those girls living different places
one girl live Germany, other girl live Italy, two girl live in Ireland, and I living Taiwan!
I met them in center, which is Japanese, but living different countries !
so I can get some experience for them. It was awesome moment. 

This picture from last summer.
she is my good friend!!
one day, we bought same clothes
and wear same time. 
like acting twins <3 
I am only child, so I felt I got sister!! :))

Those are special memories for me
but still I got lots of special moment!!!!!
when I was get awesome moment, I feel I love my life :)))
and I hope keep it forever.


First Week for ICA summer school.....

I feel soooo tired omg!
i think because today is Friday maybe....

I miss my friends
I wanna hang out with them~~~~

anyway, first week is well done.
I hope i will enjoy hole summer school!! :)

I love Taiwan's weather. I love hotter place.
but I want go back to Taipei just 2 days are okay for me
Just i wanna hang out with my friend !!! lol

so..... I going to show some picture for you....

Those pictures are when I and my friends went to Tokyo Disney Land!
with wearing uniform lol
like it's common for in Japan, which is wearing high school uniform and go to Disney Land~ 
it wan amazing day!

those pictures are when I want to Shinjyuku (新宿)with my friend.
Long time no see her and I really miss he, so I met her ,suddenly we hag each other lol
just we met few hours but still fun for us!

Those pictures are when we went Tokyo Disney Sea with my friend!
The girl is Japanese and tree boys are Taiwanese!
they visited in Japan for fun, so I and the girl bring them to there!
I hope they enjoy that moment!
I was enjoy it haha!
love it~~~~~