
How to overcome the our change??

How to people can overcome the change?
All of people have some problems. I am one of them too. Most people don't know how to solve it. Today I want to tell you how to overcome it. There have three steps. Keep up, take some advice, and think other way.

First step is keep up. Why people can't overcome their problems because they give up quickly. It won't help them. Don't think about oh I can't do it, that is hard for me blah blah blah.....
Most problem can solve. Just take easy. The important step is people have to know what it is. What type of problems, have to use critical thinking or not..... In china has one famous sentence " If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." It's come from book, it calls "the art of war." So important step is you have to know your problems.  And also never give up. People, who can't overcome problems, easy to give up and just move on quick. At least, you have to try again 4 or 5 times.
And also image about future, which is after overcome problems. It could be keep up people's feel better and think they can do it.

Second step is take some advice.
We know overcome some hard problems  it is not easy and also we don't know how to solve it or how to solve it. So ask somebody, who is known that problems very well. For example, if people can't solve question about some math problems, ask math teacher! They are professional about math so of course they teach you how to solve it or given some key. Other way is used own experience. Look back own notes, or think about what did u do when u get hard question.  Those are really helpful.

Last step is think other way.
Why people can't solve it because of people only try to solve it used one way to view or focus about it. Think about different way. And also think about what u can do it for that. Like think u can solve passable or not. If u can do it just little that's okay. Because it is still overcome. Chang some steps for that problems. Don't think hold things. It just makes you confuse and makes you feel down.
And also this is last idea(don't used it a lot)
If really you have no idea. Try many times but you can't solve it. Give up. Sometime give up and move on is important things. People have fit or unfit each problems. For example, a man have to overcome about chocolate cake, but he has chocolate allergy. It is not easy to solve it. So he move on to try to eat cheese cake. He might be eat it.
So think about problem is fit for u or not.

I just tell about how to overcome problems.
Those steps are just one of advice.
So up to u for used those steps or not. But just remember it if u got some charge and have to solve it.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I really liked how you set this up. It made a lot of sense and the examples were great! You did a very good job!
