
My new friends in ICA :)

Today I going to talk about my new friend!

she is from Taiwan,Taichung, so actually she lives near ICA! that's cool~~~

she wants improve her English so she join the ICA summer school!

she is quit girl but she is really cute <3

her most exciting moment is doing something with her friends~

her hobbies are dancing and sing a song! I want to hear her nice voice some day<3 <3

If she does not have food she could not alive! haha actually me too lol

If she get a door, which is it can go anywhere. she will go travel other countries!

she loves beach more then mountain because she dose not like move a lot.

If she got lots money, 20%, she going to use for shopping, 10% donate for kids, and 70% save it

How nice she is!!! ><

If Earth will gone tomorrow, she going to do some special things with her friends!!!!

 she is so cute and nice!!!! I hope  I will know her more :))

1 件のコメント:

  1. That sounds neat. Who is it? Andrea? I like the way you set up your interview! Great summary!
