
My summer plans

After finish summer school

 I will stay my friends house because of my fright ticket time lol

And I will go back to Japan. 

And I will prepare for my TOEFL test.

 But I don't want study all day 

so I will hang out with my friends in Japan.

 And I would go to Tokyo Disney Land again!!!!( if my mom say okay.... I hope she say yes.)

Because some of friends, who is Taiwan's friends visit Japan!!

I was existing about it so I want to Gide for them!

And also I want to hang out with my Japanese friends to shopping, KTV, and long long girls talk lol

I have lots of plans!!!! I hope I can do it all of it lol

1 件のコメント:

  1. That sounds like a lot of fun! Is KTV fun? I saw it last night when we went bowling. It looked like it could be fun. You'll have to tell me all about it :-)
