
The best moment of my life!

I have a lot of good memories in my life!

so I could not choose one....

so, I going to write some of best moments in my life!

                                                     this moment is in ICA
                                               in ICA has valentines Dance day
                                                 and it was soooo fun!

that picture is in Japan last summer.
those girls living different places
one girl live Germany, other girl live Italy, two girl live in Ireland, and I living Taiwan!
I met them in center, which is Japanese, but living different countries !
so I can get some experience for them. It was awesome moment. 

This picture from last summer.
she is my good friend!!
one day, we bought same clothes
and wear same time. 
like acting twins <3 
I am only child, so I felt I got sister!! :))

Those are special memories for me
but still I got lots of special moment!!!!!
when I was get awesome moment, I feel I love my life :)))
and I hope keep it forever.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Great job Ayano. I really enjoy all of the pictures you include. Looks like you always have a lot of fun.
