
My Last Summer School at ICA 2013(outline)

1 Title:
2 Main Character: Ayano
3 Other Characters Erica, Penny, Vivian, and Andrea (Ayano's friends), My Parents, and other people...
4 Conflict:  Ayano is study hard but her Parents more push her. and she feel down.
5 setting: ICA summer school
6 Rising Action: Events 1: spend time her friends. she feel really happy
                      Event 2: Her Parents push her more and feel down
                     Event 3: She was sad and she worry about her future, and friends help her.
7 Climax: She try to tell her parents about how she effort about her study
8 Resolution : Her parents understand her. and she can play with her friends!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Sounds like it will be a great story! I'm excited to read it!

  2. Do you have your actual story completely written out?
